
July 7, 2016

My First Apartment Part 1

Hello everyone!

Ever since I started college or to be exact towards the end of my studying year, I always wanted a place of my own. I would ALWAYS tell my mum that I wanted to buy a house and asks her to pray for it. I could have not have stress it enough the power of prayers.

It all started on 13th October 2015, I started to get serious looking for a place. I have make up my mind that:

March 26, 2016

Top 10 Best Food Documentary

Hello everyone! 

Vegan Burrito Wrap

I have watched so many documentaries for the past 5 years. I can say I owe it to these documentaries that have raise my awareness regarding our food consumption. Today I want to sum up the top 10 best food documentaries I have ever watched. I have taken the privilege to link and insert the trailer here. There are in random order.